On Stranger Tides

Hans Zimmer - On Stranger Tides O.S.T.

Track 11: End Credits

Soundtrack Lasershow

Length: 1:54min

Designed & programmed in Pangolin LD2000
Programmer: Markus Voggenberger

Multi Projector Show for RGB-Laser
(2 & 3 Channel Beamshow)

An Intro-Lasershow for one of our upcoming Events. The music is from the fourth part "On Stranger Tides" of the "Pirates Of The Carribean" Saga. A great soundtrack created by Hans Zimmer & Rodrigo Y Gabriela.

This show won 2nd Place in the Pangolin Shows Competition 2011. We have won $500 in credit towards our next Pangolin purchase.

Available for:
Pangolin LD2000
Pangolin Beyond 3.0

Price on request